Caught in The Rain

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Caught in The Rain

The light rain had started, as I knew it would, although I did not prepare for it. No umbrella, no rain coat…just using my hands to try and prevent the drizzle from ruining my hair. I turn around at the sound of footsteps, my heart skipping a beat as I see her slowly saunter up to me, as if the rain enhances her beauty, as if she is made of rain herself.  She takes my hands and pulls me toward her, we stand there letting the mist cover our faces. Looking at her, I no longer care about the rain,...

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First Kiss

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

First Kiss

As I look back and try to remember, it is difficult, my memories are fading more everyday. I suppose at this age that is normal. I need to record as many memories as I can, before they elude me for good.  It was a different time back then. A kiss, especially a first kiss, was a right of passage, into a whole new world. It was the world of feelings and sensations never before experienced. I remember thinking back then nothing could compare to a kiss, I thought I would forever remember that feeling and nothing could feel as good. ...

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Stranger at the Club

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Stranger at the Club

As I spun around on the dance floor, memorized by the lights, a hand reached out for mine. I was not shocked, like I should have been, as a stranger held on tight and pulled me close. We danced in time to the music. I could feel her blood rushing through her hands, whether from the dancing or from the close proximity to me, I could not tell. My heart was pumping because of both.  As the music slowed, so did our bodies, our arms circling around the waist of each other, until our bodies were close enough to feel...

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Until Then, My Love

Posted by Lisa Stevens on

Until Then, My Love

As I close my eyes in anticipation of the kiss, I am transported back to a time when all I could imagine was years of being with him, I prayed there would never come a day when I did not feel his lips on mine. The air around me warms and I can feel the heat of the sun on my back, although those days have long past and all our kissing are executed in hospital rooms under surveillance, from doctors or nurses. While I dream of kisses past, I am thankful for each and every kiss these days, since...

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