KISS AND TELL — romance

Rooftop Romance

Posted by Ben Stevens on

Rooftop Romance

It all started in my early teens.  My dad was not a fan of the boy I liked, in fairness any boy at all when it came to me.  Don't get me wrong my dad loved me so very much but no boy was good enough for me by his standards.  As most teenagers will do though I found a way around his rules, we simply snuck our meetings.  We both lived in the same apartment building so it was relatively easy, especially with the fire escape right outside my window.  Almost every night the weather allowed I would climb...

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When the Universe Aligns: The Perfect Morning

Posted by Ben Stevens on

When the Universe Aligns: The Perfect Morning

If you have ever travelled with someone you love then I trust you know that travelling can be a very romantic experience.  Once in awhile though the universe can align in such a way that no intentions could have created that moment.  Such an experience happened with me and the love of my life in the most unlikely of places, Guatemala.  Why do I say most unlikely of places?  Because it is a country with incredible amounts of crime and poverty.  We were actually there as a learning experience or an exposure trip, as some call it, where you learn...

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